XY (2004)

XY (2004)

XY is a video installation, a moving screen projects a dancer moving in the space on James Browns sex machine.
As the dancer moves forward, backward, left or right the screen follows him in his exact location creating a low-tech feeling of a 3 D virtual reality.
The choreography for this project was made by Dansity

Jejak Sang Kakek Trailer

In search for the history of his grandfather, Dutch artist Kevin van Braak encounters a dark and cruel reality. Kevin developed a Wayang Kulit, Indonesian shadow puppet play, in cooperation with the Balinese Master Puppeteer, Kadek Budi Setiawan, as a ritual to sooth the tormented soul of his grandfather. This film is a ceremony in and of itself. It visually meanders through the preparation, creation and performance of the play.