Week 1


Week 1 at the OXT Sonsbeek 2016 project.

We kicked off with the preparation of the basic facilities of the workshop: putting the work benches together designed by Jair Straschnow and constructing the kitchen designed by Daya Bakker of OFCA. Floris Schoonderbeek of Weltevree designed the dining table.

Also, the first collaboration was initiated by Jair Straschnow and Martijn van den Bosch. They made two large benches on which several people could sit together.

Rob Sweere realized the first outdoor work. From a large already transverse stump used for play by children, he took out a slot to experience the heart of the tree. This work was completed at the opening.

Inspired by shamanism Sagi Groner composes wooden tambourine rings in preparation for a workshop organized by him.

It is worth mentioning my intern Tuur Deeleman and cook Dini Arisandi, who are taking part for the duration of the exhibition.